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Registration open!

Registration is open for group B1- state exam preparation Monday – Wednesday (11.30am-1pm) online, start: May 2022! These hours don’t fit you? Contact us anytime!

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Grammar secrets

Saint Andrew's night InPolish Polish courses

Magical St. Andrew’s night

St. Andrew’s day (andrzejki) is celebrated in Poland on the night of th 29th and 30th of November, which is one day before St. Andrew’s

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Genitive Polish language courses InPolish

Genitive of nouns

Foreigners learning Polish know that cases are the most difficult part ofour language. First I would like to console all the students for whom cases

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Poles like to party InPolish School Academy

Poles like to party

In the Catholic world, Carnival is a period of balls and parties whichbegins on the Epiphany (on the 6 th of January) and ends on

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Christmas Polish language courses InPolish

Christmas dictionary

Christmas (Boże Narodzenie) is the most important celebration inPoland, similar to the rest of Europe and America. In Poland we have acombination of old pagan

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